BIOTECON Diagnostics and Merck KGaA start worldwide marketing alliance
PCR-based detection kits for rapid food safety testing
Dr. Kornelia Berghof-Jaeger, CEO, BIOTECON Diagnostics: "In this alliance Merck KGaA will contribute significantly through its expertise in microbiology and its excellent customer relationships. Jointly we are able to fulfill the customer needs by introducing this new technology to the food safety testing labs around the world."
Under its foodproof® brand BIOTECON Diagnostics has developed real-time PCR detection kits for Enterobacteriaceae plus E. sakazakii (new), Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, E. coli O157 etc. The range also comprises a unique kit for the screening of beer spoilage organisms as well as GMO testing kits.
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