Resolve Biosciences Launches New Era in Single-Cell Spatial Analysis

Start-up announces $24 million Series A financing and appoints Jason T. Gammack as CEO

18-Dec-2020 - Germany

Resolve Biosciences, the pioneer in Molecular Cartography™, announced the completion of a $24 million Series A financing round and the appointment of Co-founder Jason T. Gammack as Chief Executive Officer.

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The company’s Molecular Cartography platform is a groundbreaking multi-analyte and highly multiplex spatial analysis technology that enables scientists to resolve the most daunting biological challenges in areas such as oncology, neuroscience, and infectious disease. It produces deep contextual data sets that illuminate molecular interactions at subcellular resolution, while preserving the sample tissue. The initial applications of Resolve’s Molecular Cartography platform deliver the highest-resolution view of transcriptomic activity and provide the ability to interrogate hundreds of genes in a single run. Future solutions will add DNA, protein, and metabolomic data layers. Unlike current approaches, Resolve’s technology provides the required sensitivity, specificity, and workflow convenience to elucidate the cell’s complex transcriptional landscape.

Series A Financing

The Series A financing round was led by PS Capital Management and MasterMind Advisory Services and included participation from Alafi Capital, John Shoffner, and High-Tech Gründerfonds. The company will use the proceeds to accelerate product development and drive industry adoption of its Molecular Cartography technology.

"Molecular Cartography creates a new dimension of spatial analysis, which will soon expand the frontiers of modern molecular biology. Our innovative solution enables valuable scientific insights that far exceed the reach of legacy spatial biology technologies. Jason is an accomplished leader in the field of advanced genomics, and I’m looking forward to working with him again to help Resolve Biosciences transform the future of life sciences research and clinical diagnostics", said Peer M. Schatz, Chairman and Co-founder of Resolve Biosciences.

CEO Appointment

Jason T. Gammack brings more than 25 years of life sciences industry experience and has developed successful product and customer engagement strategies for some of its preeminent biotechnology brands. He recently served as Chief Commercial Officer at Inscripta, where he oversaw sales, marketing, business development, and customer support for the company’s CRISPR-enabled Onyx™ Digital Genome Engineering platform. Before that, he was Vice President of the Life Science Business at QIAGEN, where he led the life science portfolio and go-to-market strategy. Earlier in his career, Gammack developed commercialization growth strategies at Ingenuity Systems, a leading bioinformatics company acquired by QIAGEN in 2013. He has also held senior leadership roles at Sigma-Aldrich, Invitrogen/Life Technologies, Affymetrix, and Promega Corporation.

"Resolve Biosciences’ pioneering Molecular Cartography platform powers novel insights by enabling scientists to gain the highest-resolution view of subcellular gene expression activity. Together with our talented team of scientists and investors, we are poised to lead the next generation of single-cell analysis and support scientists around the world as they apply the latest advances of our Molecular Cartography technology platform to solve the most complex biological questions";Jason T. Gammack, CEO of Resolve Biosciences.

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