Thermo Fisher Scientific Develops Method to Detect Dangerous Carbonyl Compounds

New Method Uses Thermo Scientific UHPLC/UV Technology for Trace-Level Analysis

13-Jan-2011 - USA

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. announced that it has developed a powerful method for the trace-level analysis of carbonyl compounds in a wide range of matrices. Carbonyl compounds, hazardous pollutants released from diverse sources including motor vehicles and industrial emissions, have been shown to have adverse effects on human health. This new UHPLC/UV method enables the separation, detection and quantitation of parts per billion (ppb) concentrations of low molecular weight carbonyls in complex samples, safeguarding human health and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. The new method is detailed in an application note entitled “Quantitative Analysis of Carbonyl-DNPH Derivatives by UHPLC/UV,” available to download.

Carbonyl compounds from motor vehicle and industrial emissions are precursors to ground-level ozone, a major component of smog, and are strongly associated with respiratory and pulmonary problems. They are also found in food and drinking water and various indoor living and working environments. Formaldehyde, a common indoor pollutant, is released from numerous sources including plywood, furniture, paper products, glues, cosmetics, tobacco smoke and many others. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde have been classified as probable or known human carcinogens by regulatory agencies including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and International Agency of Cancer Research (IARC).

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