Measurement of lower aldehydes especially acrolein with the 2-HMP method - GC method


Guideline 3892 Part 5 describes a method for the determination of lower aldehydes especially acrolein (2-propenal) in waste gases of e.g. firing plants (especially wood firing), of internal-combustion engines or smokehouses as well as of foundries or chemical productions. The present Guideline describes the method for acrolein as an example. In principle, the method can be used for other aldehydes.

The aldehydes are sampled on a solid sorbent in a sampling tube, which is coated with 2?HMP. The determination is carried out by reaction of aldehydes with 2-(hydroxymethyl)-piperidine (2-HMP) which react quantitatively to the corresponding oxazolidines. The latter are determined with gas chromatography after extraction with toluene.

Guideline VDI 3862 describes measurement procedures for the determination of aldehydes and phenols in stack emissions. The present part broadens the spectrum of proven measurement procedures with one more method.

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Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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Topic world Gas chromatography

Topic world Gas chromatography

Gas chromatography is an essential method in analytical chemistry for the separation and analysis of volatile compounds. Due to its high resolution and sensitivity, it has become firmly established in areas such as environmental analysis, food chemistry or forensic science. GC provides precise and reliable results and enables deep insights into the chemical composition of samples.

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