PerkinElmer and Procognia to offer breakthrough protein array platform


PerkinElmer, Inc. and Procognia, a leading developer of innovative and transformational technologies in the field of proteomics, announced an exclusive distribution and co-marketing agreement to deliver the only complete solution for high-throughput and high-resolution analysis of the Glycosylation of proteins.

Procognia's U-c fingerprint lectin array-based platform is being combined with PerkinElmer's advanced instrumentation, the Protein Array Workstation(TM) and the recently introduced ProScanArray(TM) HT, to offer the industry's first high-throughput, high-resolution glycoanalysis capability. Certain scientific estimates indicate that more than 60% of critical biological functions involve glycosylated proteins. This new technology will drive significant advancements in the understanding of protein function and structure.

U-c fingerprint technology requires no sample purification or pretreatment, and allows the quantitative analysis of 20 samples in approximately three hours. In addition, glycosylation analysis throughout the therapeutic protein discovery, development and manufacturing process will bring biopharmaceutical companies closer to satisfying the FDA's PAT (Process Analytical Technology) initiative. This technology is focused on reducing the time and cost of producing higher quality biopharmaceuticals.

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