Expansion of High Content Screening Capabilities at the National Center for Drug Screening in China


The National Center for drug screening (NCDS) located in Shanghai, China and Cellomics, Inc. announced an addition to their strategic collaboration aimed at expanding the application of High Content Screening (HCS) technologies in China. Affiliated with the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Center is a key national technology innovation base in drug discovery and development.

The expansion of this collaboration is facilitated by two key events. First, the NCDS has completed their HCS portfolio of research and discovery tools through the acquisition of the KineticScan(R) HCS Reader, Cellomics' premier instrument for performing live-cell, kinetic HCS assays. The second part of this expansion includes the organization and sponsorship of a nationwide HCS Workshop to be held at the NCDS in Shanghai, between April 4 and 6, 2005.

"The adoption of Cellomics' live-cell imaging system, the KineticScan HCS Reader is vital to expanding our research programs in cell-based high content screening," stated Dr. Ming-Wei Wang, Director of the NCDS. "By adding the capabilities of the KineticScan to those we already have with Cellomics' ArrayScan(R) HCS Reader, we are able to quickly execute our strategic plan of utilizing HCS technologies in our drug discovery and development efforts," continued Dr. Wang.

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Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.

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Topic World Cell Analysis

Topic World Cell Analysis

Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.

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