130 Years of Shimadzu


Shimadzu celebrates its 130th anniversary this year. Since 1875, Shimadzu has supported scientific research and offers analytical and diagnostic systems for medical, chemical and pharmaceutical applications. The passion for new product developments follows the tradition initiated by Genzo Shimadzu Jr., one of the greatest inventors in Japanese history. Some examples from a long list of milestones: Just one year after the discovery of x-rays, Shimadzu took the first radiographs (1896). Shimadzu developed Japan's first spectrograph (1934). The first UV/VIS spectrophotometer was presented in 1952. The first GC system was developed in Japan 1953. In 1988 the world's first MALDI-TOF-MS system was released. At the 'Koichi Tanaka mass spectrometry Research Laboratory' new mass spectrometry techniques and systems for the analysis of biological macromolecules are under research and development. The laboratory is headed by Koichi Tanaka, Nobel Prize Laureate for chemistry in 2002. Just one year earlier in 2001, Shimadzu's Biotech division was founded and presently delivers the newest proteomics and genomics technologies. The new analytical instruments to be introduced in 2005 include a new HPLC system, a new GC system, three energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, a UV/VIS spectrometer, new developments in semi-micro- and analytical balances, a MALDITOF system as well as new software.

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Topic World Spectroscopy

Topic World Spectroscopy

Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!

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Topic world Weighing

Topic world Weighing

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Topic World Mass Spectrometry

Topic World Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry enables us to detect and identify molecules and reveal their structure. Whether in chemistry, biochemistry or forensics - mass spectrometry opens up unexpected insights into the composition of our world. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of mass spectrometry!

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