Thermo Electron's Biopolymers Business Unit Enters Global Distribution Agreement with VWR International, Inc.


Thermo Electron announced that its biopolymers business unit has signed a global distribution agreement with VWR International, Inc. This is the first global distribution deal signed between Thermo Electron and VWR International. According to Joel Louette, Commercial Director for Thermo Electron Biopolymers, "This is a tremendous opportunity for the research community. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies will have easier access to the full biopolymers portfolio, which includes recently introduced, innovative products such as Thermo's HeavyPeptide AQUA for quantitative proteomics and peptide-siRNA conjugates."

European and North American customers will now be able to purchase Thermo's high quality custom synthetic peptides and oligonucleotides through VWR International. Dietmar Graffius, VWR Vice President Global Marketing Life Sciences, stated, "This agreement will certainly pave the way for a better and extended service to VWR customers as well as strengthen the partnership between the companies." Customers will benefit from the proximity with their local VWR life science specialist and their local sales representatives while having direct access to the highly competent and skilled scientific and production support team from Thermo Electron.

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