Mass spectrometry - 329 News

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Mass spectrometry - 329 News

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F-SEARCH by Frontier Laboratories

Easy and reliable identification of polymers and additives after PY-GC/MS, TD-GC/MS or EGA-MS analysis

4 libraries for searching for polymers, pyrolyzates, additives or matching of EGA thermograms

polymer databases
VICI Nanovolume pump/injector

VICI Nanovolume pump/injector by VICI

All-In-One Front End Nano HPLC for Your Mass Spectrometer

VICI Nanovolume Pump/Injector

injection valves
IonTamer ToF MS

IonTamer ToF MS by Spacetek Technology

IonTamer instruments are time-of-flight residual gas analysers (TOF-RGA) for the analysis of gases

Compact Time-of-flight residual gas analyzer (TOF-RGA) for process analysis

residual gas analyzers
Mistral Evolution

Mistral Evolution by VICI

At the touch of a button: nitrogen 24/7 for your LC/MS system with no need for gas cylinders

Up to 40L/min nitrogen on-demand for your LC/MS, allowing uninterrupted analyses

nitrogen generators
PlasmaQuant MS Elite

PlasmaQuant MS Elite by Analytik Jena

LC-ICP-MS Is the Key to the World of Elemental Species

Highest Sensitivity and Lowest Detection Limits with PlasmaQuant MS Series and PQ LC

Xevo TQ Absolute

Xevo TQ Absolute by Waters

A new Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Quantification with Absolute power

Absolute performance, efficiency, productivity, and confidence for your most challenging compounds

mass spectrometers
LabStandard Certified Reference Materials

LabStandard Certified Reference Materials by Lab. Instruments

LabStandard Explorer Collection Kits of MultiComponent CRM Solutions for residue pesticides analysis

Certified Reference Materials for residue analysis in food and environmental matrices

certified reference materials
iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS

iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Robust ICP-MS with ease of use and high productivity for routine analysis

A complete multi-element analysis solution for your high-throughput routine laboratory

ICP mass spectrometers
Single Quadrupol Massenspektrometer LCMS-2050

Single Quadrupol Massenspektrometer LCMS-2050 by Shimadzu

Compact Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry - Expand your analytical possibilities!

Outstanding performance in the smallest space, without compromising speed and sensitivity


HiScroll by Pfeiffer Vacuum

The extremely quiet, efficient, oil-free vacuum pumps of the HiScroll series

Covers many applications in the field of analytics, industry or research & development

industrial vacuum pumps

See the theme worlds for related content

Topic World Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry enables us to detect and identify molecules and reveal their structure. Whether in chemistry, biochemistry or forensics - mass spectrometry opens up unexpected insights into the composition of our world. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of mass spectrometry!

15+ products
2 whitepaper
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View topic world
Topic World Mass Spectrometry

Topic World Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry enables us to detect and identify molecules and reveal their structure. Whether in chemistry, biochemistry or forensics - mass spectrometry opens up unexpected insights into the composition of our world. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of mass spectrometry!

15+ products
2 whitepaper
15+ brochures
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