LUMiReader PSA
Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design

Particle Size Distribution, Density, Magnetophoretic Velocity, Hansen Parameters, Real-Time Stability
The new multi-wavelength LUMiReader®PSA, developed by LUM GmbH and ergonomically designed by Luigi Colani, determines diverse properties of particles, emulsions and suspension in the micro and nanoscope in real time.
- Particle size distribution weighted by volume and number based on ISO 13317
- Volume-based particle size distribution in emulsions and suspensions without knowledge of refractive indices and without assumption of spherical and homogeneous particle shapes
- Separation velocity distribution (sedimentation and creaming)
- Determination of the hydrodynamic particle density based on ISO 18747-1
- Magnetophoretic velocity
- Hansen Dispersibility (Solubility) parameters
- Direct separation stability in real time in original concentration from seconds to days
- Patented physically accelerated separation at gravity by inclination (Boycott effect) with sample specific benefit - in original concentration up to 10 times faster
- Long-term measurements to detect directly particle size changes (flocculation, coalescence, Ostwald ripening) in real time
- Determination of extinction ratio at 2 wavelengths to detect particle size changes prior to phase separation
- Cloud Point Determination
- Monitoring of aggregation and crystallization
- Standard Test Method for Measuring n-Heptane Induced Phase Separation of Asphaltene from Heavy Fuel Oils as Separability Number by an Optical Device - ASTM D7827 - 12
The device operates in the range from 4 to 80 C with a temperature stability of +/- 0.2K for the entire measuring cell. Temperature ramps are possible options. The LUMiReader PSA uses the patented STEP technology® (Space and Time resolved measurement of Extinction Profiles) in combination with multi-wavelength detection and measures at intervals from <1 s up to 25 min. By combining measurements, extremely fast-separating samples and long-term stable samples can be characterized directly - either continuously or serially.
LUMiReader PSA is the first particle and dispersion measuring device from LUM which is delivered with the new SEPView® 7 software. It realizes new requirements of Industry 4.0 and, moreover, it is watertight for the future. These requirements include server-based measurements and secure network operation of multiple devices. Of course, measurements with a direct PC connection are still possible.
The new LUMiReader PSA is one instrument to comprehensively understand complex industrial and natural products in a simple way. Links to applications can be found on the LUM website in the publication area.

Multi-wavelength Separation Analyser LUMiReader PSA

Multi-wavelength Separation Analyser LUMiReader PSA

LUMiReader PSA with thermostat

Volume weighted particle size distribution

SEPView 7 & LUMiReader PSA
Request information about LUMiReader PSA now

Particle analyzers: LUMiReader PSA
Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design