
Automated sample preparation systems:


NGS made effortless: Introducing MIRO CANVAS from INTEGRA Biosciences

INTEGRA Biosciences AG

The intuitive platform requires only 15 minutes of hands-on time per run

It offers fast, on-demand preparation of samples

MIRO CANVAS can also automate exome and other hybrid capture protocols

INTEGRA Biosciences is excited to announce the launch of MIRO CANVAS

INTEGRA Biosciences is excited to announce the launch of MIRO CANVAS, a compact digital microfluidics platform for fully automated next generation sequencing (NGS) sample preparation. The revolutionary system drastically simplifies NGS workflows for more walk-away time and higher lab productivity, accelerating genomics discoveries. NGS has made it possible to sequence entire genomes at a fraction of the cost and time of earlier sequencing methods. However, sample and library preparation for NGS workflows still remain a challenge, as they are notoriously complex, time consuming and error prone when performed manually. MIRO CANVAS was developed to meet the growing need for fully automated NGS sample preparation with verified protocols for short- and long-read sequencing applications to ensure accuracy, precision and reliability for high quality results. The microfluidics system uses gentle sample handling to maintain the integrity of high molecular weight DNA and minimizes reagent usage for long-read sequencing library preparation.

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Automated sample preparation systems: MIRO CANVAS

NGS made effortless: Introducing MIRO CANVAS from INTEGRA Biosciences

INTEGRA Biosciences AG

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