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Buy Products For Chemistry

multi N/C by Analytik Jena
Advanced TOC and TNb analysis: Precise measurements in complex matrices
Broad measuring range - even without sample dilution
Standard-compliant Working ✓ Easily measure parameters such as TC, TIC, TOC, POC, NPOC, TNb etc. even in complicated matrices ✓ Reliable and maximum operational safety ✓

multi EA 5000 by Analytik Jena
Your Entire C/N/S/X Lab in One Device
New multi EA 5100 simplifies elemental analysis
C/N/S/X analysis without system change ✓ Highest sensitivity ✓ Maximum operation safety ✓

PlasmaQuant MS Elite by Analytik Jena
LC-ICP-MS Is the Key to the World of Elemental Species
Highest Sensitivity and Lowest Detection Limits with PlasmaQuant MS Series and PQ LC
An efficient, fast and accurate routine analysis ✓ Cost effective ✓ Extensive accessories ✓

CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena
Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy
Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now
CyBio SELMA offers fast and precise pipetting for reproducible results ✓ Space-saving design that can be integrated on any standard laboratory bench ✓ CyBio SELMA is easy to use, thanks to user-guided, memorisable methods ✓

SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech
UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye
Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols
Absorbance meter for microtiter plates and cuvettes ✓ from 0.3 µl sample volume ✓ <1s measuring time/well ✓ Up to 900 data points per well ✓ Robot compatible

Berghof Reaktortechnologie - Hoch- und Niederdruckreaktoren, Druckbehälter und metallfreie Reaktoren by Berghof
Safe high- and low-pressure systems for aggressive media
Corrosion-resistant reactors with PTFE lining - individually configurable
PTFE lining for effective corrosion protection allows the use of highly corrosive media ✓ Flexibility and individuality - The modularly designed reactors are individually configured ✓ Easy handling - You simply open/close the quick-release fastener by hand without tools ✓

compEAct Serie by Analytik Jena
compEAct: Efficient determination of sulphur and nitrogen in liquids, gases and LPG samples
Individually adaptable degree of automation from manual handling to fully automated operation
Precise measurement of sulphur and nitrogen contents ✓ Efficient analysis due to high sample throughput ✓ Safe and low-maintenance analysis solution with low space requirement ✓

Limsophy by AAC Infotray
Optimise your laboratory processes with Limsophy LIMS
Seamless integration and process optimisation in laboratory data management
Data must be able to bypass systems and technologies easily and persist over time. The software Limsophy helps hereby

RFM970-T by Xylem
Precise Digital Refractometer with Large Measuring Range
Wide measuring range: 1.30 - 1.70 RI ✓ High-resolution 6 decimal places ✓ Peltier temperature stability: ±0.02°C ✓ US/EP/BP/JP compliant ✓ Supports FDA Regulation 21 CFR Part 11

ISQ 7610 by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Revolutionary GC/MS: Optimized for uninterrupted operation and helium savings
Change columns and sources without interrupting the vacuum and save up to 80 % helium
VPI NeverVent Technology allows source swap and column exchange without breaking the vacuum ✓ New Helium Saver technology: Use one He-bottle up to 3.5 years instead of 5 months ✓ XLXR Detector: Use one calibration curve instead of multiple ones and gain more sensitivity at the s ✓
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