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Buy Products For Lab Automation

CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena
Automation of Cellular Assays
Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling
Save lab space and time ✓ Reliability, robustness and precision ✓ Cost efficient ✓

qTOWER³ auto by Analytik Jena
Real-time PCR - fully automated for maximum efficiency
Compact, reliable and cost-effective qPCR thermal cycler for high throughput
Simple and fast device integration into automation systems ✓ Increased throughput with up to four real-time thermal cyclers in a liquid handling system ✓ Device security and automation extends walkaway times ✓

CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena
Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy
Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now
CyBio SELMA offers fast and precise pipetting for reproducible results ✓ Space-saving design that can be integrated on any standard laboratory bench ✓ CyBio SELMA is easy to use, thanks to user-guided, memorisable methods ✓

SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech
UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye
Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols
Absorbance meter for microtiter plates and cuvettes ✓ from 0.3 µl sample volume ✓ <1s measuring time/well ✓ Up to 900 data points per well ✓ Robot compatible

X-TubeProcessor_Smart by HTI Automation
The smart solution for filling and labeling your HPLC, cryo and micro tubes
From opening to closing. Free your laboratory from monotonous work
Opening and screwing - fast and reproducible ✓ Filling - easy and accurate ✓ Labeling - precise and clean ✓

HYDROTHERM by C. Gerhardt
Efficiency in food analysis: Safe and precise total fat determination made easy
Fully automatic acid hydrolysis in 90 minutes - validated for continuous operation
80% less work for laboratory staff ✓ Closed system - maximum safety and no space required in the fume hood ✓ Work according to the reference method - Validated and reproducible

SOXTHERM by C. Gerhardt
Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours
Fully automatic and four times faster than the conventional Soxhlet method
Extract up to 24 different samples in less than 2 hours ✓ Fully automated solid-liquid extraction - high throughput and low workload ✓ Ideal for the determination of fat, PCB, PAH, EOX, pesticides, dioxins, TNT derivatives and many more

Automation Friendly Reagent Reservoirs by Integra Biosciences
Automation-friendly reagent reservoirs for efficient laboratories
Maximise efficiency with low dead volume and environmentally friendly design
INTEGRA has expanded its Clear Advantage™ product family to include automation friendly reagent reservoirs designed to save reagents and reduce waste

Affinity ITC by TA Instruments
Designed for the most challenging life science laboratory environments
Gold Standard in Drug Development, Functional understanding of binding interactions
Most sensitive and precise titration calorimeter ✓ Effective and gentle mixing for delicate samples ✓ Reliable & robust automation, needle never breaks ✓

Liquid Handler LH 8.1 by KNAUER
Autosampler for LC MS/MS, GC MS/MS - precise, flexible, future-proof
Impressive: loss-free sample introduction with lowest carry-over
Automates complex chromatography tasks through high flexibility ✓ Loss-free sample feed and lowest carry-over values ✓ Ideal autosampler for LC MS/MS or GC MS/MS ✓
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