Advanced elemental analysis of soil
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH

ICP-OES Analysis with Dual Side-On Interface (DSOI) Technology
Protecting soil from contamination is an important task for our society. It is a vital resource for growing food and can be considered as non-renewable due to the very slow process of soil formation. Through agriculture, waste treatment or industrial emissions, soil can be contaminated with negative consequences for the food chain and respectively human health.
Due to its multi-element determination capability, high linear dynamic range and sensitivity, Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) is widely used for the analysis of soil. The application is described in several ICP-OES standard procedures such as ISO 22036.
This report describes the principle methodology for the analysis of soil. It presents typical detection limits for a wide range of elements as well as studies on precision and accuracy using a QC sample and a certified reference material.
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Advanced elemental analysis of soil
ICP-OES Analysis with Dual Side-On Interface (DSOI) Technology