Sigma-Aldrich Acquires ChemNavigator, Inc.

11-Aug-2009 - USA

Sigma-Aldrich announced the acquisition of cheminformatics company, ChemNavigator .com, Incorporated, a provider of discovery research informatics software tools used for design, selection and procurement of chemical compound libraries. The acquisition links ChemNavigator's suite of virtual screening and selection tools and searchable database of over 60 million compounds with Sigma-Aldrich's chemical compound management, procurement and global distribution to accelerate discovery research programs.

"ChemNavigator is well-recognized for its fast and efficient virtual discovery tools and for its extensive database of chemical compounds," said Dr. Ilya Koltover, Manager, Business Development, for Sigma-Aldrich. "This acquisition enables Sigma-Aldrich to provide the research community with an efficient, seamless discovery offer that extends from virtual selection to compound delivery."

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