Abbott Completes Acquisition of STARLIMS Technologies

24-Mar-2010 - USA

Abbott announced that it has completed its $123 million acquisition of STARLIMS Technologies Ltd. The acquisition provides Abbott with products and expertise to build its position in laboratory informatics

"STARLIMS gives us access to innovative technologies and technical expertise for our long-term strategy in laboratory informatics," said Edward L. Michael, executive vice president, diagnostics products, Abbott. "The acquisition enables us to provide a common informatics framework across all of our diagnostics businesses and, equally important, will help accelerate STARLIMS's growth strategy in the non-diagnostics market segments it currently serves."

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Topic world Diagnostics

Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.

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Topic world Diagnostics

Topic world Diagnostics

Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.