BMG LABTECH joins Analytical & Life Science Systems Association

29-Mar-2010 - USA

The ALSSA - Analytical & life science Systems Association - Board of Directors recently approved applications for membership submitted by BMG LABTECH, Inc. Ron Earp PhD, President, will serve as the official representative to ALSSA and E.J. Dell PhD, Business Development and Applications Scientist, will serve as the alternate contact.

ALSSA's mission is to be an advocate for our industry and a valuable aid to users' advancement of science and life. The companies that are members of ALSSA are globally-focused corporations involved in a range of scientific challenges and their technologies are used to conduct research, testing, discovery and product development in a wide range of industries. Applications include pharmaceuticals and drug discovery, biotechnology, chemicals and chemical processing, food safety, life science and medical research, university and scientific research, forensics, molecular diagnostics testing and environmental testing.

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