Design organoids with light
Organoids help researchers understand biological processes in health and disease
Light sensors activate or block genes
In optogenetics, natural or engineered "light sensors" are inserted into cells. When light falls on the sensors, they activate or block genes in the cells - depending on how they are programmed. Legnini incorporated such light sensors into neuron precursor cells developed from stem cells to form neural organoids. He did this in collaboration with the Organoids Technology Platform team, led by Agnieszka Rybak-Wolf, Ph.D., and Dr. Robert Patrick Zinzen's Systems Biology of Neuronal Cell and Tissue Differentiation group. The researchers wanted to understand how the nervous system develops in the human embryo. Morphogens play a key role in this process - molecules that signal to neuronal progenitor cells whether they should become neurons in the anterior part of the brain or in the posterior part of the spinal cord, for example. The combination of these molecules creates typical patterns of gene expression during development.
Using light, the researchers activated one of these morphogens, Sonic-Hedgehog (SHH). Subsequent spatially resolved single-cell analyses showed that the cells then arranged themselves into typically patterned organoids. The researchers generated the light pulse in two ways: using either a laser microscope or a digital micromirror microscope that Rajewsky's group developed with Dr. Andrew Woehler. At the time, Andrew Woehler headed the Max Delbrück Center's light microscopy platform; as of November 2022, he heads the Experimental Technologies Department at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Ashburn, USA. A chip with several hundred thousand tiny mirrors is inserted into this special microscope. These can be programmed so that the microscope can create complex patterns of illumination on a sample - unlike with a laser, which hits only a single spot at a time.
Precise - with potential for improvement
"With our method, we can reproduce processes related to gene expression in tissues very precisely in the Petri dish," says Ivano Legnini. Since March of this year, he has been setting up his own research group at the Human Technopole in Milan. Among other things, he wants to improve the spatial and temporal resolution of the technology there and make it applicable to other organoids.
Nikolaus Rajewsky also wants to continue refining the method: "I am very much looking forward to collaborating with optogenetics experts to further improve the technology and apply it to clinically relevant human organoid models."
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