Chemie.DE Information Service's 10th Anniversary: an Online Success Story

15-Jun-2010 - Germany

Ten years ago, on 15 June 2000, Chemie.DE Information Service GmbH opened for business. At a time when the DOT.COM bubble had burst and start-ups were going under in droves, four entrepreneurs took the plunge and turned a university project into a commercial company. Their bold move has paid off: Chemie.DE Information Service® has developed into one of Europe’s leading internet information providers for the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

1_10 Jahre news

The success story started as a research project that had been launched three years earlier at Berlin’s Free University. Convinced that their concept was viable, the four founders set up Chemie.DE as an information service and marketing platform.

It worked. The company grew steadily over the following years. Today more than 20 staff work for Chemie.DE Information Service in technology, sales, editing or marketing. Many of them have a background in natural sciences and are well acquainted with the industry. The company’s move to new premises in Berlin has provided sufficient space for further growth.

By starting new portals and expanding existing ones, the range of target groups has continuously been broadened. As early as 2001 Bionity.COM was launched, the company’s biotechnology and life science portal. The portals ChemEurope.COM and Quimica.ES followed suit, demonstrating that international expansion has always been a priority. Chemie.DE’s core market is Europe.

A key success factor has been the company’s clear focus on the internet. For the past ten years the it has been monitoring trends and developments in the internet. It identifies suitable new technologies and employs these to develop tools that help improve accumulating, storing and presenting information. The company also takes pride in its customer service which in 2009 was awarded the “service tested” distinction of TÜV, the German technical inspection association.

“Our endeavour has always been, and still is, to be the most popular online source of scientific and industry information in chemistry, pharma and life sciences, delivering up-to-date business and industry news, technical articles, market overviews as well as product and company information. Our portals assemble and provide access to all the most important information for professionals in the industry,“ comments Stefan Knecht, co-founder and Managing Director of Chemie.DE Information Service. “At the same time we offer our advertising customers an ideal platform to present themselves and their products to specific target groups and thus to make the most of the internet’s unique opportunities. Chemie.DE Information Service has made tremendous progress over the past ten years. We intend to retain our edge in the information sector and will continue to take advantage of new developments in the internet, making these accessible to professionals in the industry and, in doing so, generating further growth for our company”.

Chemie.DE Information Service’s portals Chemie.DE, Bionity.COM, ChemieKarriere.NET, BioKarriere.NET, ChemEurope.COM, and Quimica.ES are accessible free of charge. In 2009 they totalled 4.4 million unique users.

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