BIOTECON Diagnostics successfully finishes MicroVal certification

20-Jul-2010 - Germany

BIOTECON Diagnostics is the first company that has successfully MicroVal validated a real-time PCR system. Both of BIOTECON Diagnostics’ foodproof® Enterobacteriaceae plus E. sakazakii Detection Kits have been certified by Lloyd’s Register Nederland B.V. (Rotterdam, Netherlands), as well as Reagent D and the foodproof® StarPrep One Kit.

“24 external laboratories participated in the studies, including Nestlé, Eurofins, FrieslandCampina and SGS Germany, says Alois Schneiderbauer, Chief Business Officer (CBO) of BIOTECON Diagnostics.

With the globally recognized MicroVal certificate BIOTECON Diagnostics has set the stage for the global distribution of these products, which have been developed primarily for the baby food segment.

“With the achievement of this milestone we accomplish the increasing quality demands in the baby food industry, documenting our aim to cooperate with food producers in order to make food safer,“ says Kornelia Berghof-Jäger, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BIOTECON Diagnostics.

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