Humedics closes 6.3 million € financing round

Cash inflow enables for commercialization of the LiMAx test

12-Nov-2014 - Germany

Humedics GmbH announced the closing of a Series C financing round totaling more than 6.3 million Euro. Humedics’ business model, products and company development has attracted new international investors that will join the current private and public investors.

The financing round was led by two new international investors, Vesalius Biocapital Partners and Seventure Partners. All venture capital investors from previous rounds are also participating in the present financing round. The existing syndicate includes Peppermint VenturePartners (managing the Charité Biomedical Fund), VC Fonds Technologie managed by IBB-Beteiligungsgesellschaft, ERP Startfonds of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Ventegis and High-Tech Gründerfonds.

The raised capital will be used for the European market entry of Humedics’ proprietary LiMAx test and the corresponding FLIP diagnostic device. This breath test based diagnostic system represents a revolution in functional liver diagnostics by enabling clinicians to quantitatively determine the individual liver function capacity for a patient within minutes. It allows for better risk assessment in liver surgery and thus, superior surgery planning as well as selecting treatment strategies optimally adapted to the individual patients liver status. The LiMAx test provides certainty for the physician, safety for the patient and leads to cost reduction for the hospital.

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