Varian, Inc. Debuts High Productivity AA Spectrometer


Varian, Inc. announced its new line of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers. The AA280 series comprises two innovative and easy-to-use systems: the Fast Sequential (FS) model and the Zeeman model. The AA280 Fast Sequential (FS) system combines Varian, Inc.'s patented FS design with eight- lamp capability, to provide greater flame AA performance and reduced running costs and the AA280 Zeeman system combines Varian, Inc.'s fast Transverse Zeeman background correction with a new GTA-120 Graphite furnace which significantly enhances overall performance.

AA spectrometry is a very specific and sensitive technique used for the determination of trace metals, toxic elements and contaminants in a wide variety of applications, including environmental, pharmaceutical, agriculture, metals fabrication and plating, semiconductor, and food and beverage.

The AA280 matches the speed of sequential ICP-OES analysis, made possible by combining the company's FS technology with research-grade optics incorporating eight-lamp capacity. Researchers often regard ICP-OES as the technology of choice for rapidly determining multiple elements in sequence. With Varian, Inc.'s FS mode, every element in the sample is determined in rapid sequence before moving on to the next sample -- providing up to a 50% improvement in speed of analysis when compared to conventional AA spectrometers. Conventional AA spectrometers still analyze all samples for a single element, before repeating all samples for each subsequent element. The increased productivity of the AA280 FS translates into higher sample throughput and lower running costs from reduced lamp usage and reduced gas and reagent consumption, freeing operators' time to manage other laboratory tasks.

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