Database of Chemicals Marketed in the UK Published by Chemical Industries Association

Industry helps public to access and understanding

19-Jul-2006 - United Kingdom

As part of an on-going campaign of genuine stakeholder dialogue, the Chemical Industries Association (CIA) has published in July a database of chemicals marketed in the UK by its member companies in 2005.

CIA has worked closely with Government and others to make available what these chemicals are. The database lists some 1600 single pure chemical substances that were marketed by CIA member companies in the UK during 2005. Further information will be added to the database in the coming years.

CIA Head of Products and Health, Dr Jo Lloyd said:

"This has been a very useful exercise and has helped our members organize their product portfolios in preparation for the much more complex task ahead which will see the majority of the substances listed in the database progress through REACH. In future years we will add more information but this is an excellent start.

"The chemical industry has been attacked for its lobbying in the new European Union Chemicals legislation (REACH) but I hope our publicly available database shows that we do want the public to understand what we do and help us in making our decisions for the future. If anything, this initiative goes further in scope than REACH requires of us and I am proud of chemical businesses for contributing to the database."

Receiving the Chemicals Database today, Chair of the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum, Chris Hughes said:

'This marks a potentially significant stage in progress towards the level of transparency which REACH will require from the chemicals supply chain, and I look forward to further stages in its development. I hope that the CIA and others will be able to work together in a timely fashion to fulfil its very real potential to contribute to a step change in relationships between the supply chain, regulators, and stakeholders.'

The CIA made a commitment to produce this database as part of the chemical industry's response to recommendations made by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in 2003 in its report on "Chemicals in Products" and as part of the chemical industry's preparations for the adoption of the proposed Registration, Evaluation & Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) regulation. This was also adopted as the Product Goal of the CIA's broader Sustainable Development Strategy.

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