A Full Pipeline of Follow-on TNF-Antagonists

The US$ 7.6 bln market of TNF-antagonists attracts numerous follow-on compounds


The Business Intelligence firm La Merie S.L. reported that the huge market of US$ 7.6 bln in 2005 and the clinical validation of the target in many inflammatory indications has filled the pipeline of follow-on TNF-antagonists. Sales of the three marketed TNF antagonists etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab grew by 42, 18 and 64 %, respectively, in 2005 and are expected to further grow due to thestill expanding number of approved clinical indications of inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases. At least six follow-on TNF antagonists are in clinical development and more than 16 projects in preclinical stages. Apart from antibody-based constructs, other technologies such as small molecules, vaccines, proteins, gene therapy, RNAi make use of the validated target in an attractive market to validate their technology at low development risk. These results and more were found in a competitor analysis conducted by La Merie Business Intelligence.

The range of indications for which at least one of the three branded TNF antagonists obtained approval ranges from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile RA, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease (CD), pediatric CD, ulcerative colitis and psoriasis. Further inflammatory indications such as asthma are under evaluation. The most advancedclinical stage follow-on TNF-antagonist are human or humanized/optimized antibodies in order to reduce the immunogenicity risk seen with chimeric molecules. Small molecules as selective or dual TNF antagonists also have reached clinical evaluation.

The preclinical pipeline of TNF antagonists consists of molecules derived from new technologies or molecules exploring other strategies such as vaccination or oral delivery. Engineered proteins and antibodies make up most of the pipelineattempting to develop and validate the respective technology by using a validated target in an attractive market.

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