Eurofins' sales up almost 50% in the first half year of 2006


Over the period from January 1 until June 30, 2006, Eurofins achieved sales of EUR 150.9 million, which corresponds to a growth of 49% compared with HY1/ 2005 (EUR 101.0 million). Therewith, Eurofins is well in line with its objective to reach a turnover of EUR 300 million for the full year 2006.

In the second quarter of 2006, Eurofins reached sales of EUR 80.7 million representing a growth of 44% compared with Q2/ 2005 (EUR 56.1 million).

Besides the organic growth, a major part of the sales increase is due to various acquisitions and outsourcing agreements carried out during the past 12 months, such as GAB Biotechnologie (Germany), LEM, Pharmacontrol, Optimed (all France), Focus Bio-Inova (France/USA), AvTech (USA), Steins (Denmark), Direct Laboratories and Agriseach (both UK).

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