Xceleron expands US operation with multimillion dollar investment in new facilities


Xceleron announced a new multimillion dollar investment to create its first pharmaceutical testing facilities in the U.S. With up to 50% of global demand for drug and metabolite analysis coming from the U.S. Xceleron will invest up to $7.5m on the purchase of a new accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) to carry out analysis on pharmaceutical drug candidates, new laboratories in Maryland and additional personnel. The new facilities shall come on stream in late 2007, considerably increasing the company's testing capacity. By 2011 employee numbers are planned to rise to at least 150 and North American revenues to exceed $20m.

According to the company, Xceleron is the only good laboratory practice (GLP) accredited biomedical facility in the world with unique expertise in the field of zeptobiology (ultra-sensitive drug and metabolite analysis) using AMS. AMS enables the pharmacokinetic (PK) measurement of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs administered to humans in microdose quantities. The company's approach facilitates Phase 0 early human trials to identify the metabolic fate of a drug at the single molecule level.

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