Millipore and Stem Cell Sciences To Provide Human Embryonic Stem Cell Media


Millipore Corporation and Stem Cell Sciences (SCS) announced an exclusive license for Millipore to develop and market SCS' serum free media for the growth of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). According to the company, the defined media will be the first product available in the industry that offers improved methods for growing hESCs without the need for animal serum.

By eliminating the need for serum, researchers can generate improved experimental results by avoiding interference from animal products in the media, which shall improve the ease of use and reliability in growing hESCs. The lack of animal-free, defined media for growing hESCs has been an important technical hurdle in enabling researchers to advance their understanding of the therapeutic value of stem cells.

Under the terms of the agreement, Millipore will manufacture, market and sell the new media under the brand name HEScGRO Embryonic Stem Cell Medium. SCS will receive royalties from all future sales of HEScGRO Embryonic Stem Cell Medium.

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