bioMérieux and ExonHit Therapeutics initiate their third diagnostic program


bioMérieux and ExonHit Therapeutics announced the initiation of their third programme for the screening of cancer from blood. One of the goals is to assist physicians in deciding whether to proceed with surgery for prostate cancer. The collaboration is based on the expertise and intellectual property of ExonHit in the analysis of genome Expression, and on the know-how of bioMérieux in the field of in vitro diagnostics. Its purpose is to create DNA biochips which will allow screening for the presence of cancer markers from blood samples.

bioMérieux and ExonHit first launched a programme for breast cancer screening from blood, for which a prospective study is ongoing, then a programme for the detection of colorectal cancers, which are considered to be the most common, regardless of sex, and they are now going to tackle prostate cancer.

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Topic world Diagnostics

Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.

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Topic world Diagnostics

Topic world Diagnostics

Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.