Dyneon to acquire Empore Solid Phase Extraction family of products


Dyneon LLC recently announced that it will acquire 3M's Bioanalytical Technologies business including the Empore(TM) solid phase extraction family of products, effective January 1, 2007. The Bioanalytical Technologies business and Empore products will be integrated into Dyneon and will augment Dyneon's fluoroplastics, fluoroelastomers and specialty additives lines, and provide new opportunities for growth for the Empore family of products.

According to Bill Myers, President and General Manager of Dyneon, this strategic move builds on the synergies between Dyneon and Empore products. Both businesses manufacture high-performance materials that demand technological precision and innovation, as well as an excellent customer service and support base.

Myers added, "Integrating the Empore and Dyneon products makes good business sense. Being under one roof, we can provide an even greater range of solutions and resources for both our Empore and Dyneon customers."

The Empore family of products, first commercialized in the 1980s, is widely used by chemists for environmental and pharmaceutical analysis.

Empore joins a diverse range of products at Dyneon. Dyneon fluoroelastomers are engineered to meet many of the most demanding sealing challenges, providing long-term protection against high temperatures and corrosive chemicals. Its fluoroplastics, including PFA, FEP, ETFE, HTE, THV and PVDF, can be processed in extrusion, injection, compression, transfer and blow molding. Dyneon's specialty additives, including Dynamar Polymer Processing Additives, are fluoropolymer-based products that improve various processing aspects of thermoplastic resin. Dyneon is also a global leader in PTFE compounding, providing a host of standard compounds as well as expertly formulated custom compounds.

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Extraction is a fundamental process in the chemical laboratory that enables specific components to be isolated and concentrated from a mixture. Whether it's extracting active ingredients from natural products, removing impurities from synthesis products, or preparing analytical samples, extraction is a key step in achieving precise and efficient results in chemical research and analysis.

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Topic world Extraction

Topic world Extraction

Extraction is a fundamental process in the chemical laboratory that enables specific components to be isolated and concentrated from a mixture. Whether it's extracting active ingredients from natural products, removing impurities from synthesis products, or preparing analytical samples, extraction is a key step in achieving precise and efficient results in chemical research and analysis.

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