ECHA publishes an updated list of pre-registered substances

01-Apr-2009 - Finland

An updated version of the List of Pre-registered Substances was published on the ECHA website. It contains around 143,000 substances which were pre-registered by 65,000 companies between 1 June and 1 December 2008. ECHA does not expect all of these substances to be registered.

The Agency has produced previous versions of the list, most recently on 19 December 2008. The new list contains further improvements:

- CAS numbers are now provided for some substances that were previously identified only by chemical name

- The search functions for the list have been improved

- List numbers (in the format of EC numbers) are included for those substances without a current EC number to make registration easier

The new list is important for companies who manufacture or import substances and who wish to find the correct SIEF (Substance Information Exchange Forum) for their substance. The list will help verify whether, in reality, certain pre-SIEFS cover the same substance and hence whether they should merge. Finally, it will also help identify similar substances for read-across and formation of chemical categories. As a result, the list will help to ensure that data is shared and hence to minimise animal testing.

Please note that the list is made up of pre-registrations submitted by industry. In ECHA’s opinion the list contains many preparations and substances that did not require registration. ECHA advises companies to verify what registrations they need to make.

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