Kjel- / Dist Line
Kjel- and Dist Line - steam distillation and Kjeldahl applications
BÜCHI Labortechnik GmbH

Users who want to get the best out of their steam distillation or Kjeldahl applications will find their perfect counterpart in the new BUCHI devices recently launched.
In order to meet the many different application requirements, there are two distillation unit product lines available:the Kjel Line refines the process of nitrogen and protein determination by means of advanced sensors for maximum automation. In contrast, the Dist Line covers a broad spectrum of steam volatile analytes. And because of its modular design, the system can be adapted to a large number of analytes of interest to users.
Although both product lines are based on the same principle, the Kjel Line offers the greatest accuracy for standards-compliant determinations. The Dist Line, on the other hand, sets new standards i
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Distillation systems: Kjel- / Dist Line
Kjel- and Dist Line - steam distillation and Kjeldahl applications