
Sample preparation systems:

speedwave XTRACT

Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples

Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH

Lowest operating costs - unsurpassed service life and warranty also on the vessels

Simple, intuitive operation - No sensor connection, simply open, close and clean vessels

SafePrep - maximum safety Both for microwave digestion and extraction

speedwave XTRACT microwave sample preparation system
TS-85S/16 Extraction vessels
TS-85X/32 Digestion vessels
speedwave XTRACT microwave sample preparation system
TS-85S/16 Extraction vessels
TS-85X/32 Digestion vessels

From digestion to extraction in 2 minutes - 3 methods for samples from agar to xanthan gum

Specially developed for laboratory applications, the speedwave XTRACT for microwave sample preparation impresses with its low operating costs, simple operation and maximum safety - and now also for extractions. Environmental and food laboratories with high sample throughput will benefit in particular. Up to 32 samples can be processed simultaneously. With 3 standard methods, 90% of all pharmaceutical and food samples can be digested.

Berghof has been offering laboratory products made of fluoropolymers and digestion systems for more than 50 years. Our 1994 patent for in-situ temperature measurement and the simple vessel design have since become the industry standard. The non-contact pressure measurement, sensors for the air flow, solvent and counting of the vessels ensure the necessary safety, reproducibility and simple operation.

A decisive advantage are the vessels made entirely from TFM. In-house production guarantees high purity, quality and durability. The guarantee includes the vessels. Waste and operating costs are reduced.

Do you have questions about this product or its applications?
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speedwave XTRACT microwave sample preparation system


speedwave XTRACT microwave sample preparation system

TS-85S/16 Extraction vessels


TS-85S/16 Extraction vessels

TS-85X/32 Digestion vessels


TS-85X/32 Digestion vessels

Request information about speedwave XTRACT now

speedwave XTRACT microwave sample preparation system

Sample preparation systems: speedwave XTRACT

Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples

Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH

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