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Safety at a glance

PlasmaQuant MS Elite by Analytik Jena
LC-ICP-MS Is the Key to the World of Elemental Species
Highest Sensitivity and Lowest Detection Limits with PlasmaQuant MS Series and PQ LC
An efficient, fast and accurate routine analysis ✓ Cost effective ✓ Extensive accessories ✓

CFX Opus by Bio-Rad Laboratories
Modern qPCR system: Calibration-free & networked
Ensure consistent results and flexible data management for gene expression analysis and GMO testing
Uniform optical system free of regular calibration requirements ✓ Our best thermal uniformity and accuracy yet ✓ Remote monitoring and analysis ✓

Safety exhaust filters by VICI
Safety Exhaust Filter with New Breakthrough Detector
Prevention of Organic Vapors from Waste Bottles in Laboratories
The VICI exhaust filter removes organic solvent vapor evaporating from waste bottles protecting the lab environment

iCAP TQ Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Overcome unexpected interferences, reduce detection limits and improve data quality
Ultralow limits of detection with simplicity - even for the most challenging analytical applications
Unique ease-of-use – Combining user-inspired hardware with intelligent software solutions ✓ Right-first-time results – Allows you to analyze complex matrices with superior limits of detection ✓ Qtegra ISDS Software enables easy implementation of advanced applications ✓

iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Robust ICP-MS with ease of use and high productivity for routine analysis
A complete multi-element analysis solution for your high-throughput routine laboratory
User-inspired hardware and software maximizes ease-of-use and streamlines workflows ✓ Comprehensive interference removal achieved with the innovative QCell flatapole design ✓ Logical, problem-solving hardware ensures maximum up-time and minimum maintenance ✓

Thermo Scientific TSQ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Systems by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Confident quantitation with triple quadrupole LC-MS systems
Mass Spectrometry Systems
Ultimate sensitivity & selectivity to meet tomorrow’s standards today ✓ Quality data across workflows for users at all levels of expertise ✓ Confident quantitation – any sample, any matrix, any user

Guardian Hot Plate Stirrer by Ohaus
For the first time a hot plate stirrer thinks about your safety - thanks to "telepathic" abilities
Modernize your lab with outstanding safety and superior performance in mind
Prevents accidents: Heating switches off automatically if you are away from the appliance for too long ✓ Powerful: precise stirring of samples up to 20 litres at 60 - 1,600 rpm and temperatures up to 500 °C ✓ Durable: chemical resistant with market leading overtemperature detection system for the electronics ✓
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