Analytik Jena continues positive development in first six months 2003/2004


In the first six months 2003/2004, Analytik Jena generated sales of EUR 57.617 m (previous year: EUR 38.366 m). EBITDA at EUR 2.910 m was up 219.4 % against the equivalent period in the previous year of EUR 0.911 m. Net income for the period was EUR 0.886 m (previous year: EUR 0.080 m).

A key factor in the 50.2 % increase of consolidated sales to EUR 57.617 m was sales in the business unit project solutions. As expected, development was calmer in the Instrument business.

Despite the generally weak development on the home market of Germany, Analytik Jena managed to compensate this with exports. In the first half of the 2003/2004 financial year, international business contributed EUR 31.021 m to consolidated sales (previous year: EUR 18.327 m). The export ratio increased from 47.8 % to 53.8 %. In the first half of the year, earnings before financial results and taxes on income (EBIT) were EUR 2.100 m.

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