LION bioscience confirms take-over bid of Hopp family


LION bioscience received at the 6th of July the information that two investment-companies of the Hopp family, DH-Capital GmbH & Co. KG und OH Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, will make a voluntary bid to acquire all shares of LION bioscience AG at a price of 1.82 per share.

This decision is to be seen before the background of the contract signed by LION bioscience AG also at the 6th of July to acquire SYGNIS Bioscience mbH & Co. KG, owned by the majority of the investment-company of the Hopp familiy. In this transaction, LION bioscience AG will pay in shares using the authorized capital of the company.

Furthermore, as both investment companies of the Hopp family committed further capital inflow into LION bioscience AG, it is to be expected that they will further increase their stake in LION.

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