FT-IR and IR laser imaging (QCL) microscope for research and development
Bruker Optics GmbH & Co. KG

Hardly any of our IR microscopes embody our users like the HYPERION II: flexible, precise, configurable, adaptable, and always at the limit of what is possible.It has all the features you require in your daily routine: liquid nitrogen and thermoelectrically cooled MCTs, focal plane array imaging detectors, visual and infrared enhancement tools, and of course an abundance of dedicated accessories. But our biggest innovation lies within the combination of two complementary infrared technologies. For the first time ever, users have access to an IR microscope that combines FT-IR and QCL technology in one instrument. With this, we are opening a new door to life science and material research. Collect an FT-IR spectrum, select the wavelengths you want to investigate using QCL and create stunning chemical images in a matter of seconds. With this completely new approach of FT-IR and infrared laser imaging, we finally give users, researchers, and scientists a tool to develop new applications, but also to improve established and proven approaches.
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FT-IR microscopes: HYPERION II
FT-IR and IR laser imaging (QCL) microscope for research and development